Olympic Games and much more!



This year the Olympic Games were held in Rio De Janeiro. Rio is the capital city of Brazil. We spent two weeks learning all about the Olympic Games.

We talked about the ancient and modern Olympic Games. We played Olympic sports and learnt about Olympic mascots. We even looked at ancient Greek gods!



Our younger students learnt the names of Olympic sports and did some Olympic themed colouring!

The first Olympic sport we tried is called ‘javelin’. This event was first performed in ancient Greece over 2000 years ago.


Zom, and I had a go!



Ready, steady, throw!

We tried ‘shot put’ too. In the real Olympic Games, the ball is much heavier!

We also had a go at a running event called ‘hurdles’.


The hurdles were quite low, so to make the event more difficult we challenged the students to do a 360°  spin as they jumped. Cool!

The students also tried an event called ‘triple jump’. In this event the students hopped, skipped, and  jumped as far as they could!

They were almost as good as this guy! ↓↓↓↓↓

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We learnt about the ancient Olympics and the pantheon of Greek gods. Below are some of the gods we looked at. Which one would you like to meet?! Why?

Every time the Olympic Games is held, the hosting country chooses a mascot to represent their games. There have been many different mascots over the years. This year the Olympic mascots are called Tom and Vinicius.


Our P3 and P4 students made Tom and Vinicius masks.

Our older students made these super cute paper dolls.


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P5 and P6 had a biology/English lesson all about food chains. Now they know the difference between a producer, a consumer and a decomposer!

They drew their own food chains.


This food chain even included a dinosaur wearing fancy red glasses!!!

They also played a food chain card game. The cards featured herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat meat and omnivores eat both!

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Everyone had a great time playing Hopskotch.

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Our older students learnt about the ancient wonders of the world. Do you know any of their names? Here’s a video to refresh your memory.

The students imagined that they had traveled back in time to visit one of the ancient wonders. They wrote postcards home to tell their families how amazing the wonders were. Below you can see a postcard from the Lighthouse of Alexandria and from the Great Pyramids of Giza.

See you on Saturdays! giphy (2)

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